More on the Refugee Crisis

We have been hearing the word refugee A LOT-all over the news, from friends, social media, schools, and more. What does it mean to be a refugee? People have to leave their countries, their families, their livelihood, and most of them don't know what comes next, let alone where they will be. The first time I met a refugee I didn't even know it. My classmate was a refugee from Somalia, and I will never forget his story and what it took for their family to get to the United States and build a new life. I have heard hundreds of stories since then, and each of them unforgettable, I saw a common thread of hope and a similar line: We all want peace and stability and self-sufficiency.

Learn more about it, and let's have the conversation of what we can do to support them in their new country to help them get back on their feet. We've taken that step, and we want to hear from you.

Here are some links to learn more about the refugee crisis:

1. Pew Research Center-Key Facts About the World's Refugees

2. Amnesty International-Syria's Refugee Crisis in Numbers

3. UNHCR-Stories of Syrian Refugees

4. "Why are there so many refugees in 2016?"

5. 11 Facts About Refugees from our friends at

We'll keep adding to this, so come back again.